About Us

BEREKA BUNA is the only multimedia language learning program currently available to Amharic learners.

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Our Mission

Bereka Buna works to extend and promote access to free Amharic language learning materials and resources for all.

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What we do

  • Create and produce the original Bereka Buna Podcast Series
  • Develop language learning materials in a range of multimedia formats (YouTube channel coming soon!)
  • Promote the development of Amharic learning programs in partnership with local Ethiopian teachers and learners
  • Support the delivery of online and in-person language courses

Our Story

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The story of Bereka Buna, like so many great things in life, begins with a good old fashioned romance… Once upon a time (October 2019) in a land far far away (the gray meadows of England), girl met boy at the town watering hole (St. Antony’s buttery). They fell in love, but it soon became evident that their happily-ever-after depended on their ability to communicate (this is real life, not a fairy tale, people).

As the saying goes, need is the mother of all invention, which in this case rings true: Bereka Buna was born, yes, from the encounter of two people and their cultures, but also in response to the lack of available Amharic learning resources online.

Long story short, Adam and I, Luana, met while studying together at Oxford. Little did I know that I was walking head-on into a language and culture that would take anyone a lifetime to learn. During my first visit to Ethiopia, one aunty put it bluntly: “No Amharic, no Adam”.

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I took her warning seriously, and scrambled to get my hands on anything to kick-start my learning. A couple outdated books and a smattering of online resources that addressed the basics and nothing more was all I could find. Given the complex and irregular nature of Amharic, I was told by many and in no uncertain terms that the only way to learn Amharic was to live and breathe it.

So, I applied for and won a Fulbright Grant which would allow me to spend a year living in Addis Ababa. There I was able to take classes with my teacher Selam, practice my broken phrases on every taxi ride, and lose myself in the cacophony of neighbors’ voices over many a traditional Buna ceremony. With Adam’s support and vast knowledge of the language, I started producing the original Buna Break Amharic (now Bereka Buna) podcast series hoping to fill the resource gap for those who may not get this kind of immersive experience. A year after the initial release of the podcast series in 2022, and in response to positive feedback and requests for more, we began extending our efforts to make Amharic language learning resources available to all. We hope you’ll join us on this journey.


Buna, meaning coffee in Amharic, holds symbolic significance. Not only was coffee first discovered in what is modern day Ethiopia, shrouding the little bean in near-mythical prominence, but coffee still sits at the heart of Ethiopian tradition today. The smell of it emanates from every corner of the country, from the humblest to the grandest home. 

But what makes Ethiopian coffee most unique is its traditional ceremony. Wherever you go, you will find the typical small wooden table with many a little coffee cup, or sini, resting upon it and, of course, the picturesque ceramic jebena, or coffee pot. It’s over buna that most social gatherings and conversations occur. With its length and exposure to conversation, the traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony provides the perfect immersive space for language learning. 

The name Bereka speaks to the importance of the shared space and ritual created by the coffee ceremony. Each sitting involves three rounds of making, serving and drinking the coffee. The first round is called Abol, the second Tona, and the third: Bereka.

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This deliberately unhurried process reminds us to step away from our understanding of coffee as a commercialized global commodity to be bought on the fly in a takeaway cup, and instead towards coffee as shared practice which holds space for community.

Some have also drawn an etymological link between the word Bereka and the word Mebarek meaning to bless. In this sense, one might say that the very act of waiting for that third round opens one up to receive blessings. There is even a saying in Amharic, similar to “the third one for the road”, which suggests that as you wait for that third round, the evil on the road will pass you by; a blessing to go on your way without incident.

The name Bereka Buna emerged from the meaning of each component, but also from how the term collectively elicits the memories of many a night spent sipping coffee amidst the hubbub of neighbors’ voices; the call “Buna Tetu!” having rung out across the cobbled stones between condominium floors: “come, drink coffee”, an invitation to share in the communal spirit and immerse oneself in the language. So, Nu, Buna Tetu alongside us at Bereka Buna!

Our Team

Luana DeBorst

Executive Director

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Abel Kidane

Website Developer

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Adamseged Abebe

Chief Operations Director

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Selamawit Geleta Muka

Amharic Teacher

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Berhanemeskel Kassahun

Content Producer

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Ermias Mulat

Graphics Designer

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Dawit Feleke

Video Editor

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Tsion Atnaf

Communications Officer

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Bereka Buna is a federally recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.
EIN 99-1154265




Bereka Buna is a federally recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.
EIN 99-1154265


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